Monday, June 7, 2010

thought # 109- i dare you to be happy

i've been musing lately about alot of the things that i don't like. the things that annoy me, the people that confuse me, the problems, mistakes, moroseness and the negativity. frankly, it has left me with an empty bottle of vodka, pages of scribbles, sad songs on repeat, a lack of motivation to study and a backward appreciation/expectancy for the future. everything synonymous with being emotional and depressed (everything i blame the weather for, when clearly it's my fault). how pathetic.

i miss being happy. i know that sounds sappy, but its true. i miss smiling for no reason, not caring for anything problematic, sneaking downstairs to eat ice cream from the tub, anticipating tomorrow and the next day, listening to cheesy 90's songs, feeling jittery like a little girl and waking up with so much more than my own existence to look forward to. i know this is odd, but i feel better after writing a list of things i adore. i know, some people eyebrow rise and think what a freak. but whatever works for you. whatever gets you happy; be it skinny dipping, getting an impulsive piercing, speaking in silences, eating chocolate cake or slow dancing with your lover. whatever it is, write a list, remind yourself, do it.

abi's seventeen things i love:

1. beautiful girls with long dishevelled hair and hoop nose rings.
2. having a warm bath with a book and a million candles.
3. scrabble.
4. singing lame songs on karaoke whilst intoxicated.
5. playing dress- ups.
6. the smell of fresh cookies you've baked.
7. high tea.
8. taking the loveliest photos with old cameras.
9. the ugly phase of a haircut.
10. cuddling up to a friend/stranger/lover whilst watching anything french or michael cera related.
11. memories of pay day.
12. deep and meaningful conversations.
13. reunions.
14. hersheys chocolate.
15. perving on handsome strangers on the bus that don't even know you exist.
16. quirky, cute websites and blogs like www., and my new favourite
17. no pressure, sweet nothings.


ps. wait make that eighteen things i love: 18. c.s. lewis quotes.
pps. thanks ben, i adore your tumblr.