Monday, January 7, 2013

thought #261- declare then do

i want to:
  • step out of the mundane, banality of life. find out what i really want and what i really love and seek it without qualm. 
  • find my home. travel between borders, collect memories of locations and evenings and people, then finally settle down to where my conscience, career and community peacefully reside (wherever that may be). 
  • stop falling in lust and start falling in love. i don't want to settle for someone's nasty leftovers nor be the constant centre piece of temporary affinity influenced by copious amounts of champagne. 
  • pay more attention to the condition of my soul. stop ignoring the relationship that helped me build virtues, values, faith and goodness for the people around me. stop being so selfish as to think i'm wasting time with the one who took his to craft me in all my complexity. 
  • be less avaricious, more ambitious. i want to be driven by goals, by that personal satisfaction, by inspiration and the success of strategies created from my own whim not because i have to prove anything to anyone else or base my life on materialistic measures. 
  • sing and write more. i say it every year but i do mean it. i want to make more music and refine the art. i want this year to overflow with experiences, feelings, thoughts transposed into music and lyrics. 
  • appreciate the little things more. from home cooked meals, to the fact that i have a roof under my head and a family who loves me unconditionally, from a gorgeous sunset to the beauty of stranger's stance. 
  • learn another language. french first, spanish second, then italian, then who knows where it may lead?
  • live in a mantra of positivity. that there is hope, everything will work out. that time is not an obstacle. i want to manifest and generate light into the people i know and the ones i am yet to meet. 
  • declare then do. i don't want wishes and hopes to be merely contained to this blog entry (as what i find myself constantly doing) but instead i want to make it happen. now is the time. 

Saturday, January 5, 2013

thought #260- caught in the middle

they said it would get easier after the first time, that i would get used to the the relentless wave of moments, the blinks of bliss and the poisonous promise of a tonight. and perhaps i will one day. or perhaps not. maybe i'll just keep seeing the flaws of fucking without feelings.

in this case, we were just two strangers fumbling in the dark, patting at our pockets as if searching for misplaced morals sandwiched in between cigarette packets, credit cards and each other's surname. we didn't need each other. not in that way. not in the sort of manner that keeps couples glued to each other's side for five years while secretly wanting to shoot each other (or themselves) in the head. i guess we just wanted each other. the way one craves for mcdonalds after a big night out, or a hot bath after a long day at work. perhaps we even wanted to tame our own unspoken loneliness with anonymity. whatever it was to get us by.

i'm not used to this, i thought to myself. he looks like he knows what he's doing. but i'm scared shitless right now because i know this doesn't work for me. i can't kiss someone without feeling i need to love them wholeheartedly but i did it anyway. it struck me the instance we awkwardly arrived at the hotel lobby, constantly checking to see if the other was still under the influence of carnal degradation and hoping we wouldn't snap back into reality and save oneself from what would happen next. the hands intertwined up an elevator soon followed,  feigning familiarity, feigning love beyond the fact that it was a mutual, rash agreement signed by a sneaky kiss on the dance floor. he opened the door to a balcony blanketed by the crisp, chill of the evening sky. with my cigarette alight and a million thoughts racing through my head, the most prominent voice of reason echoes and pounds through the system, far stronger than the copious amounts of champagne previously downed, screaming but you don't do this.

and then the stranger stares intently, he's but an inch away and here you are overanalysing once again. sobering up. trying to figure what he's thinking, whilst simultaneously trying hard to hide your tortured soul. he grabs your face and for that moment you feel as if you've known him all your life. that perhaps he is the boy you subconsciously dreamed about in high school and this moment, shrouded by the mystery of a foreign country with a foreign person for one long and arduous night, is but perfection in disguise. temporarily you know everything surface about him. about his nickname, his tattoos, his hometown, the way he likes to bite your lip while you kiss. temporarily you are the apple of his eye. temporarily you are drawn by such lust that takes superiority above all else. temporarily you are being offered the most expensive delicacy on a silver platter, free of charge. you are torn as to take it, knowing fully well that if you but have the slightest taste, you will never cease to want more.

and then you fall asleep in his arms. spooning the way you only wanted to do with someone you actually cared about. and in that fetal position, thoughts overflow, drenching the hotel room with a numbness, a wholehearted understanding that there is no repeat. there is no breakfast after. there is no late night conversations with your legs rested on your bedroom wall or picnics by the beach. there is no time, no agreement, no need for friendship and association after. it was fun. it wasn't fulfilling. we didn't need each other, you remind yourself. and as you rise from the rumination, embarrassed by your hungover, morning face you realise this. fetching your dress, looking into his eyes, there was no magic, he did not miraculous evolve or transform into a potential. he is still the same stranger who twirled your arm across the dance floor. the same stranger who is saying good morning to you from the bathroom, the same way he said good night in between the sheets.

and as you awkwardly depart the hotel lobby, go separate ways. you politely thank each other, express gratitude for the company and know fully well that it will probably be the last time you see each other ever again. and when reality strikes you both, he will forget your name, your face and associate you with another new years, another frisky time accompanied with feeling forever young. and you'll do exactly the same. they said it would get easier after the first time, but all i can still see is the flaw of fucking without feelings.


Tuesday, January 1, 2013

thought #259- in summation

I've often described years in retrospect to be "unlike no other" but without exaggeration or cliche, 2012 has been such a ridiculous, mind-blowing, life changing time. Part of me feels like all this time prior to 2012 has only been a precursor, some sort of interlude to the main act and reality of life, the world and all it has to offer. Apart from the fact that I write this, half way across the world from familiarity, family and home, so much has occurred this year that has truly opened my eyes and has forced me to face the dreaded question of my purpose in life and what I want and how to go about conquering/achieving it. I knew from the outset that 2012 would concrete certain values pertaining to life, love, God and ones career but I was truly unsure of what I would subconsciously end up disposing, adopting or keeping. It's true, old friends took on new roles in my life, hearts were trampled in an unaware matter, sex evolved from a sacred to a casual social activity made with strangers, new friendships blossomed, growing up was faced and the looming reality of graduating university dawned on me in a frightening way. My new found adoration for the northern hemisphere occurred, freedom, independence and responsibility entailed and what more foolish, risky decisions (eg. Falling in love with strangers) were made under the influence of unfamiliarity and risqué. Part of me wants to come back home, the other part doesn't want to leave like I'm drawn to this lifestyle like a rope to the heart. Utterly captivated. Part of me knows I can't continue down destructive paths of chain smoking, joints on weekdays, one night stands, hungover mornings, luxurious living and selfish carnal actions. I can't expect to not get hurt from my constant fucking up and not doing anything about it.

As much as 2013 has followed the actions of its past sibling, I hope for nothing but peace. Peace of mind. To start thinking about life beyond myself. Yes, it was fun. No, I don't regret it but I really hope that this is just a phase and not a downward spiral into madness. It's so easy to lose ones soul in the process of trying to gain the world. I don't want that to happen. I still believe in my Creator. I still believe that this indulgent hedonistic moment of life is not permanent. I still believe in goodness, real love, faith and righteousness. It's a matter of physically effectuating the belief. It's a matter of life and death and everything in between. I have ridiculous hopes for 2013 the same way I did for 2012. And I know I'll never be the same again. For the better. Everything really will work out.
