Monday, May 3, 2010

thought #92- sweet nothings

according to a close source i am supposedly chill. i am yet to decipher what that exactly means but i hope, apart from the laziness and procrastination it alludes to, it is a positive attribute to possess haha. in the busyness of humanity and the constant motion of our world, i always thought it would be lovely to have someone to do nothing with. someone who shared the same philosophy when it came to unforced, non-pressuring company. it is so easy to take for granted rest, the pause of mind and soul, times where stillness is actually more beneficial than progress. in a society that stresses over systematic achievements, and obsesses over getting everything done and fitting birth, growing up and death in 24 hours, i truly value times where you feel nonchalant, placid and lovely.

where you can sit on a couch for a ridiculous amount of time and yet in the milieu of hectic-ness, where people are graduating literally before our eyes, be absolutely content with the person by your side. and need nothing to entertain but the delightful awkward moments and momentary ogles and an inability to hide one's patheticness. i dont know if you've ever experienced such a moment. it makes you liquefy a little inside. and so i guess what i am trying to say, if there is any real meaning behind today's thought, is that it is not a crime to want to indulge in a little nothing. enjoy the absence of that busy, busy, busy lifestyle we are forced to conform. i mean theres always a time for everything yes, but do not forget to pause once in awhile and appreciate the goodness of life.

and so i've always thought it would be nice to find someone that you can like simply because. to like him more without reasons, because you can like him in the nothingness, peaceful and stillness of this quotidian routine which we call life.

i think i may have found that person.


ps. i like this picture. sleep + lovers = sweet nothings.

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