Saturday, May 1, 2010

thought #91- the sugary highs and the bitter lows

the time is one minute to midnight and i have deserted any hopes of falling asleep soon due to the sugar gorge i experienced at reg's 21st tonight. it was splendid to fleetingly reunite and catch up with folk i have literally not seen in years whilst in the company of shots of nerds, mini cupcakes, pixie sticks and chocolate fountains. it was a dentist/mother's nightmare and every child's fantasy to be surrounded by ridiculous amounts of candy, and seeing as my self-control tonight was pathetic i shall be detoxing away this week in order to somewhat psychologically redeem myself haha.

anyway, i guess tonight i have been pondering on a very relevant topic- the highs and lows of life. we all experience this, the adrenaline rush, the sugar fix that takes you from feeling absolutely lousy to having the confidence to conquer the world. the momentary instance where you think this chance may never come again and thus risk whatever to follow through tepid waters. i guess the emotion that is attached to a high is exhilarating, as if the mind switches off and the heart navigates its way for a second, choosing whatever feels right from the logical elucidation we'd normally muse over. and thus enters the danger. the consequences always seem iota compared to the momentary pleasures of what we will soon experience. but just as gravity and the natural laws of our planet like to shit all over our idealistic dreams,  what goes up must come down. the low, the regret, its never pretty.

does that mean we should always live on the safe side, avoiding chances and risks for the fear of facing failure and regret head on? it's something we must grapple with everyday. yes i mean wisdom must definitely play a role in whatever decision you choose and yes there is something such as simultaneously having the right and wrong feeling. but whatever happens, we must learn to discern the difference between a sugary high and the real deal. especially when it comes to the matters of the heart. i have been a repeat offender in thinking something meant something more because the moment was more than i had expected it to be... if that makes sense. the results are the bitter lows in which we clutch our stomach due to our greedy gorging, wish we could simply fall asleep and curse our wretched lack of self control.

as splendid as a sugar high may sound, id rather experience nothing of the sort as long as i find someone who will be constant and true regardless of the highs and lows life presents us with. yes, placid and plateau may be boring but its the one for me. 


ps. puke! 

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