Tuesday, March 9, 2010

thought #71- catalyst

today is a brilliant day. especially since the past few weeks have been a regurgitated concoction of annoyance, ignorance, frustration, trampled hearts and unpleasant silence. i can wholeheartedly say i am happy. i know sappy and emotional but true. things are looking brighter, hope is being restored to my universe and the shit that ive been experiencing are slowly evaporating into understanding. people are co- operating, friends and strangers are causing me to smile and become amused, friperie is making me busy and blessed, uni is delightful (so far haha) and i am more appreciative of this future that awaits. this doesn't by any mean crush any bad days nor does it assure me of problem-free existence for the future. i am just happy and thankful.


ps. this made me laugh uncontrollably. im slightly embarrassed now haha. circa 2006


  1. lol...abi i have a thing at home that jems did for me once and isco loves abi is all over it ;) Also wasnt that the era of the Jordan Z lovin??? ;) MWAHAHA I am so mean

  2. haha oh my dear lord. how young and tragic we were!
    (i kind of still am tragic hahaha)
    haha poor jordan.
