Sunday, March 21, 2010

thought #76- i thought you thought

i am a repeated offender of many things. falling in lust, overanalysing, selective hearing, misplacing my patience, being harshly blunt, being overtly (this can always be argued) romantic, denial, pretence, nasty unhealthy habits, wrong timing and the list could potentially perpetuate. but there is one thing that i cannot stand yet find myself pathetically doing over and over again- assuming.

my dear lord, how this practice makes me groan. i absolutely get the shits when i think about how assumption and i have become friends instead of foes over the years. i sigh whenever i think that the only excuse i have is "i can't help it." i mean if only "i can't help it" could actually rescue us from our foolishness. imagine a cheating jerk having sexy time with some sluzza was caught in the act by his girlfriend... "i can't help it" really doesn't cut it as an alibi does it? EXACTLY. so i can't justify why i always assume through this paltry little statement.

i think i've just grown accustomed to assuming things. being the naive, lovely little thing that i am (*choke*) i tend to assume the best of people. now that is not a bad thing but without an inch of wisdom as your support you can expect only one thing- hurt. and a shitload of it. if there is anything that i learnt from years of loving and losing friends, more- than- friends and i- wish- we- were- more- than- friends is DON'T ASSUME. find out for yourself. be clear, specific, ask. don't just think you thought they felt the same way or they wouldn't get hurt or they knew what you were on about.

sometimes we get into this nasty habit that we think the opposite sex are mind readers and know exactly how we feel and what's going on inside of us. sadly this is not the case and as subtle or blatantly obvious we can be, miscommunication and misunderstandings remain as realities. do yourself a favour and stop assuming. save yourself from another embarrassing heart break and let them know or let it go. i know its easier said than done but whose tired of having another "i thought" pulverising their lives?

definitely me.


ps. just don't do it haha.