Saturday, February 6, 2010

thought #53- "the morning after" feeling

you know that unexplainable calm you receive after a relentless, shitty evening? that odd sensation of not being quite over a situation or someone or something but knowing within the very walls of your gut that things will be fine? that assurance that even if things remain unrecognisable and unknown, that eventually light will be shed? i think i may have it.

as john mayer sings in, in repair "i'm in repair, i'm not together but i'm getting there." i believe it echoes truth within life as we speak. i love how two sided the connotation "the morning after" brings. it can either imply a fantastically thrashed evening of subconscious decisions and waking up to handsome or handsome at the time men... similarly to those movies. most of the time you laugh at the protagonist's misfortune and think "haha sucks to be you." then there are those morning afters where one has been balling their eyes out, literally heaving out the tragic bits of life and then awaking the next morning feeling concaved and worn out. i must say i'm with the latter right now.

but the only difference is that my morning after is fuelled with hope. i mean the confusion remains, the nips of pain lingers but the prospect of moving on is so much greater. i already feel things developing, the heart being arranged to let someone else in. i choose to be happy, because that option is there. life is far too short to mope around and brood haha.

so i guess even in the worst of moments and hardest of times there is always "a morning after" to look forward to. one peppered with joy. in other words hope.


ps. never heard of the band. great pic though haha.


  1. dam.. you must have had a rough night haha

  2. I love you. I hate bad nights & bad morning afters.
    I wish good nights didn't have such shitty morning afters ahaha
