Monday, February 1, 2010

thought #49- why there is no such thing as inbetween

"There is no neutral ground in the universe; every square inch, every split second, is claimed by God and counter claimed by Satan." C.S. Lewis

i love this quote, beyond the fact that i adore c.s. lewis and the brilliance and relevance of everything that has been recorded to have come out of his mouth. i adore the veracity within it. it is true, there is no such thing as neutral. i mean our world these days have become so passive and relative that we are easily swayed to believe that there is no right or wrong. or there is no absolute or positive way of doing things. what may be right for you, may not necessarily be correct for me but nevertheless does not eliminate the fact that its the truth. bullshit. there is nothing such as half-lies or partially corrects. so why do we live like we're always on the borderline?

i think its much more convenient to have one foot in and the other out when it comes to aspects of our life. its hard to be whole-hearted. i guess the risk of paining yourself or having a tragic outcome is far greater. i think its so much more easier to be half-arsed in life, but then again its not really living is it? so i guess the challenge is to live radically. to avoid lukewarm dealings, commci-commca attitudes, complacency and to exist one way or the other. so it's either i love you or i don't, i believe or i dismiss, i am or i'm not, i love or i don't, i fear or i'm brave, or i live or i'm dead.

the simplicity is terrifying isn't it? haha.


ps. for when life feels like we can't distinguish one from the other. neutrality is a bitch haha.

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