Tuesday, April 27, 2010

thought #89- just because

you know those splendid just because days? those days in which we chortle to ourselves at nothing in particular, sigh at nonsense and smile at inanimate objects as if they too can wholeheartedly understand how you feel? those days where you can say you are happy. not pathetic. not asleep; clearly aware and awake but happy because some sort of clarity has been found? ever experienced the fleeting moments where one melts internally but gives nothing away and moments where you wish time would co operate and unwind just so the day would last longer? have you ever felt like you were starring into someone's soul and you only look away because you are afraid of letting them in, but deep inside you are more than willing to throw a stone inside, splinter the divide and enter inside? have you ever just thought to yourself what are we doing? where are we going? what are we playing? only to allow no other question or over analysation hinder and wreck whatever is present?

you know those days where it takes no epiphany but once you know, you know? you know that feeling where you don't want to say love, or you don't want to frighten or you don't want to give yourself away merely because you're afraid of rejection but then things go pleasantly and you see no reason to rush? you know those days where you wish to repeat? you know that feeling of being grateful for what you presently have? you know that assurance that things will be fine, despite not knowing all the details or knowing the extent of what anyone truly feels? you know the feeling where you don't want to frighten but you want to be honest? you know those days where you can sleep at night, stare at the ceiling and be glad that the day took place?

today was one of those days.


ps. love this movie, it's synonymous with these kind of days haha.

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