Thursday, December 10, 2009

thought # 26- my feet are going to fall off

literally, i can almost feel them unhinge and segregate from the rest of my anatomy. today has been an eventful but tiring day. i am so worn out that as i write i no longer have the ability or discernment to realise if i'm making any sense as well as to simultaneously keep my eyes open. i am so sleepy, but its only 7:40pm... i'm not that pathetic am i? haha.

well today consisted of singing at glenwood high for the teachers as a short appreciation morning tea (a subtle outreach). then my first shift back at work occurred. im glad to recount that my new manager is a paragon and is very nice, that i still have got the hang of operating things and though my feet feel as swollen as if a thousand bees and insects have fed on them, i still love my job haha. three hour shifts do feel long but once i get the hang of it once again i can manage the monstrous ten hour one next saturday :S

after work kuan picked me up and we had (free) coffee at starbucks. it was lovely to finally get to talk to my skype friend in person with him actually remembering who i was haha. he remarked that i was quiet but i blame it upon my red feet and insomniac sleep of tossing, turning and awaking at least ever hour of the evening. after i arrived home and had a splendid catch up/ dnm with my mother. now i am about to pass out in fatigue, im so not used to early mornings and manual labour anymore haha.

nevertheless splendid day, thanks kuan for making me smile and not crashing the car haha.


p.s. this is really irrelevant to the post but jonathan rhys-meyers is gorgeous and will let me sleep well tonight haha.
p.p.s. my dear lord im so sleepy haha


  1. sorry for keeping you up late =[ (nothing sus)

  2. me too elle, me too.
    and no not your fault tam... im an imsomniac, really.
