Tuesday, December 1, 2009

thought # 18- i feel empowered when speaking to my computer

on a camera of course. not the mere inanimate object that it is (though i secretly indulge in conversing to things which i know will never respond and thus secure my victory in every arguement). there really is something hilariously self-centred, amusing and fun ranting, laughing and singing in front of a camera knowing very well that a fragment of your life and an excerpt into your personal world is being recorded for all to see, scrutinise and hopefully appreciate. this is what my dear friend joseph rana and i decided to fill our afternoon with. we recorded a request for the youtube channel i still wonder why i have in the first place, before having watched a sappy ( but not sappy or sad enough due to the survival of the female protagonist in the movie...) old school film called love affair.

in between self-controlled gorging and chatter regarding love, life and all it encompasses, we decided to have an impromptu jamming session, involving made-up riffs and spontaneous rhymes. it was delightful and fun and moreso pathetic through each song we started but never seemed to conclude. i must say today was delightful. sadly though i was called for work in the morning but due to my prior commitment, i could not attend to my manager's desperation in needing someone to cover. i hope she really did, i feel guilty... sorry :(  nevertheless, i shall end today's ramble here. far more shorter than usual but there is not much to share. i am excited about powerhouse tomorrow eve! my first one, i shall let you all know.


p.s. we evidently made alot of noise today haha. (another masterpiece of http://otarie.tumblr.com)


  1. Abi you have to do a cover of Lisa Mitchell's Clean White Love :) Very you, if you havnt heard it yet.
    Much love

  2. i have heard it, i love the vid clip! thanks for the suggestion sweet.

  3. I love watching you on my computer ;-)
    No matter how unfortunate looking you are......
