Monday, July 12, 2010

thought #124- wedding anniversaries

Day 04- A photo you took
i actually didn't take this photo today. it was actually last tuesday. nevertheless, i personally believe, it's an important photo. apart from the fact that it magnifies that physical skews of my old fart parents and their penchant for growing sideways over the years and losing the visual gusto that they might have once possessed, the fact that they can stand next to each other nineteen years after saying "i do" still brings me to a  place of confident awe. i mean they love to beat the shit out of each other verbally, they argue, they tease, they complain in bed, they snuggle (puke), they amuse each other and despite their flaws they can wake up next to each other and repeat the quotidian routine of life simply because they love each other.

they don't say it often. they don't even show it very well. but the evidence that they are still together in a world where everything regarding tomorrow is an uncertain relationship, assures me that they still do love each other. i hope to replicate my folks one day (not physically for the love of God haha), but relationally definitely. i want to find a man that can annoy the shit out of me and yet still want no one else to spoon each night. someone who will see my beauty underneath all that weight gain and white hair. someone who will stand by me even after the infatuation phase is over. someone worth celebrating a wedding anniversary with. so i guess i didn't just take a photo of my folks. nor did i take a photo commemorating a celebratory moment. i infact took a photo of history. an evidence that the world still knows what love is.


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