Thursday, July 1, 2010

thought #121- me, myself and i

I am about to embark on another 30 day trend and seeing as it is the halfway mark of the year, i thought why not do this challenge as posted on my friends tumblr (yes im a copycat, already established looong ago haha). so to begin is day one.

Day 01 - A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself (p.s. interesting is highly subjective)

  1. i have an irregular heartbeat. apparently its a 2:1 lub dub ratio.  
  2. i am the most pickiest eater ever. i will only eat certain foods cooked in a certain way or only a certain type (e.g. i only eat gold kiwifruit... i know like what the fuck?). 
  3. i never answer my phone in the morning. actually i never really answer my phone at all.
  4. i repeatedly wake up at night to look at my clock, then go back to sleep. it's routine. 
  5. i have creepy stalker tendencies like starring at a person sleeping or creating alternate realities for strangers.
  6. regardless of how hot it is, i must have a blanket.
  7. i am the most productive being when i'm pissed off. i vent out my anger domestically.
  8. i hate rollercoasters or anything that makes me feel like my heart is about to detach from the rest of my body.
  9. i find it very, very difficult to cry in movies.
  10. i can't ride a bicycle. yes i was deprived as a child.
  11. i love anything peach except for the fruit itself.
  12. i hate anything banana flavoured except for the fruit itself.
  13. i am not a winter person. definitely not.
  14. i get motion sickness.
  15. anything pertaining to the colour black or british accents will make me love you already. 

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