Wednesday, April 20, 2011

thought #198- a little older and a little less wiser

so my birthday was one lacking in extravagance but it contained all the elements i needed to have a good time- friends, booze and a bathtub. after meeting up with sam, we checked into the cambridge hotel for the evening, got ready and met the rest of the beloved crew at the beresford. after much intoxication we relocated to oxford arts, bumping into chris, grinding with strangers and almost getting kicked out due to my giddy behaviour in the process. soon the rain started to descend upon us and after failing to quite meet up with my SG girls, we returned to the warmth and quiet of the hotel room. still mildly scattered, we stripped in the tub, chatted and sipped tea, momentarily seeing chris and friends once again. after their short and sweet appearance, we attempted to sleep. my sleep was not at all comforting and much of the night was spent shivering and chundering. after we woke,  we visited the goods cafe for some hearty hangover helping saturday brunch. mads and i accompanied ben and eugene on an oxford st. shopping spree, casually grabbing a beer and trying our luck at the pokies on the way (we failed miserably). after we rode on the train back to parramatta, stopping off for a hot choc fix at max brenner before parting ways. my saturday night concluded with a meal at outback with the familia. and thus concludes the recount of my big night. no biggie


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