Sunday, April 24, 2011

thought #199- alphabet soup

A is for age: nineteen
B is for booze of choice: voddy and cranberry. i'm so ocd with cranberry juice it's inhuman.
C is for career: most likely: corporate and/or legal. dream: fashion editor.
D is for your next destination: most likely: domestic, like melbourne. dream: london.
E is for essential items to bring to a party: booze, a good attitude, bad dances moves, good conversation starters and panadol for the morning after.
F is for favourite song at the moment: el scorcho- weezer. it's ridiculous but makes my day.
G is for favourite game: angry birds. i can't get past some levels leaving me very unsatisfied and frustrated.
H is for home town: sydney
I is for instruments you play: piano, pathetically.
J is for jam or jelly you like: strawberry or raspberry
K is for kids: yes, two. a boy and girl in that order please.
L is for living arrangements: still at home. in time i'll get over leaching, but i know my parents will be secretly heartbroken when that day happens.
M is for music genre: anything, music confinement is not good for your soul.
N is for name of your fav city: london. it will be.
O is for overnight hospital stays: none, early morning at emergency yes.
P is for phobias: that free falling feeling gives me the creeps.
Q is for quotes you like: i have a million. one would be "we hope, more than anything, for more"- michael cunningham in the hours.
R is for what you love to read: modern lit ala plath, nabakov, woolf. but i also enjoy neruda's poetry, cs lewis quotes, coming of age novels, shakespeare (yes i know) and the occasional erotica from anais nin haha.
S is for sartorial style: monochrome, fabric experimentation, very minimalistic, flatforms, an unexpected subtle punch of colour, old and new. 
T is for time you wake up: these days its usually 7am. i miss my 1pm wake up calls.
U is for underwear: good old bonds.
V is for vegetables you love: lettuce, cucumber, carrots and snowpeas.
W is for weekend plans: this weekend will consist of work, church and maybe an overdue playdate.
X is for x-rays you've had: only for my braces
Y is for yummy food you make: i used to make killer brownies and quiches but i haven't made them in awhile. so i don't know.
Z is for zodiac sign: ariessss

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