Saturday, November 21, 2009

thought # 9- i miss being white

compared to the rest of my schoolies companions who returned with glorious shades of brown and slight burns, i truly benefited from hiding underneath an umbrella from each beach session that occurred. still. i'm just being slightly grouser about my pigment. especially in the shower, i groan at the mottled brown limbs that have emerged and my pimply face which has resulted from extreme heat (this is an overeactive superficial muse).

nevertheless, schoolies week has been and as i have mentioned in a facebook status the most deranged, sickening, splendid, interesting, amazing week ever! excessive amounts of synonyms cannot truly capture the essence of living with a herd of hormonal, independent, almost always intoxicated and liberated youth. truly it was an experience of many "firsts" and "unexpectedness." i cannot believe how quickly time has eradicated our stay; with our late nights playing twister under the influence, early mornings with headaches and the sun piercing our eyes like forks and knives to impentrable steak, cooking and cleaning like adults, and lazing around in the company of cute strangers and splendid friends at the beach. 

so much has truly occurred. would i ever do it again? hell yes! of course there were some nights which i fear to ever repeat such as monday night where one moment i was screaming verbal orgasms (i know this sounds superbly suss but believe me there were no loses of virginity in the process), then i downed some tequila (combined with other assorted beverages) and next i found the toilet lid had become a pillow and below was that butt burning spicy thai i had for dinner (many thanks to samantha for cleaning [and consoling] my vomit and connor who tied my hair back whilst i vomited haha). i woke up feeling horrible but regretting nothing haha oh dear.

but then there were lovely days and nights such as staying up till 4am with new found friends (thanks kate :P),  fingal bay beach, discovering cheap cds and a pretty bag at the markets, gorging on baskin and robbins and fresh hot chips authentically wrapped with paper and love, and watching adventureland (i personally adored the film). i believe the cooking process was also quite enjoyable and playing families was frustrating yet valuable. all in all there were moments of joy, tiredness, iritation but joy. i believe everyone who participated would concur that the week was splendid and a repeat would be adored by all.

so i guess i am relieved and saddened by the end of our schoolies fun. however, each day is a precious memory from unexpected "friendliness," waking up spooning your good guy friends, after- dinner drinks in the heat of the australian spring, listening to empire state of mind on repeat in your best friends car, numerous photos and videos and being reminded of just how splendid your high school mates really are is truly priceless. i love you all, really. beyond the sentimentality haha.

p.s. the view of salamander bay from the balcony of our house. oh how i miss schoolies already!

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