Wednesday, January 27, 2010

thought #47- silence and midas

this entry may not make any proper sense other than to one particular person. so if you conclude in utter confusion, i apologise but thank you regardless for persisting in reading haha. so i begin this morning in a silent state. the usual morning wake up call, msn message, facebook comment, skype chat etc. has been severed momentarily. the feeling was eerie. as if something wasn't right. but then i muse on the bigger picture. the whole reason for the two week invisibility between us both. and even if i am starting day one pathetically by thinking about you (i promise this entry will never be repeated again haha) i am hopeful that the outcome of this all will be a realisation and deeper grasp into who we are and who we are to each other.

which leads me to my second thought- silence. the hackneyed quote "silence is golden" can always be seen in both a negative and positive light. i like to see it through the latter. i don't mean silence as in the cold shoulder treatment, which leaves both parties feeling guilty for non-existent crimes and pieces of shit imprinted on the back of poor shoes. i mean silence as in rest, prodigious space, quiet, peace. silence is an amazing concept. imagine if we didn't know the meaning of silence, if it were a foreign unidentified thing. then i guess we would never come to truly appreciate noise. hence why silence in life is precious. silence allows us to appreciate the busyness, relationships we have and the terrifically loud cosmos which we live in.

so today, tomorrow or maybe soon be still. be silent and in that silence will birth the greatest understanding of why you are you and who matters the most in your private world :)


p.s. gotta love these guys haha. we all need hush in life haha.


  1. most definitely agree, i'm a sucker for silence. probably cos' the too-loud and outspoken ones generally piss me off haha!

    miss you dandy girl (:

  2. Haha I agree with Tori, and you as well.

  3. i swear i read this after i wrote my little thing about silence! i didn't copy you haha.
    but i liked yours betterer. (:
