Saturday, January 30, 2010

thought # 47 *insert awkward silence*

today, whilst flicking through my sacred moleskine, i realised how awkward the word "awkward" was. perhaps its the placement of "w's" or the way it can be articulated in an american (awwwk-werrrd), british (awe-k-were-d) or filipino (owww-k-waaard) accent haha.

anyway, i must say i am fond of awkwardness. i love boys who are subconsciously awkward, those who fumble with their pens and drop things on the floor, those who stutter in conversation and use big words not out of conceit but simply because its within their vocabulary, those who smile and turn away at the mere thought of sharing a mutual awkward silence with someone they adore, those who embrace awkward silences and literally liquidise by the very perfect moment they are in. those who laugh at their awkwardness and cherish others. those are the kind of awkward encounters i like. yes there are awkwards that make you feel uncomfortable, that make you desperate with feeble attempts at alibis to remove you from the situation. and the worst of them all are the boys who try to be awkward because they know girls dig it.

you're either awkward or you're not. you're either michael cera cute, nerdy, hesitant but brilliant. or you're another dick who wears glasses even though he doesnt need them and sleazily tries to pick you up with "I may not be Fred Flintstone, but I bet I can make your Bed Rock." HAHA so i dont know about you, but awkwardness isn't all too bad. socially-awkward people are usually the most amazingly, intriguing and sweet people you will meet. now to find my "awkward silence" boy... or perhaps he already exists in my world and i am just yet to realise his presence? *insert awkward silence* :)


ps. this made me laugh uncontrollably haha. 


  1. I literally laughed out loud at the comic haha

    But I agree with you to a certain extent, though sometimes when it involves a boy I just want to slap him and say 'get on with it!'

    haha....that's the difference between you and me

  2. best comic ever.

    and awkwardness is awesomness in disguise.
