Monday, October 3, 2011

thought #224- deja vu

1. straight. however freja beha erichsen and ruby rose often make me think otherwise.
2. yes. horrible vice and companion to my coffee and cider.
3. yes. i can't stomach copious amounts though.
4. no.
5. underage.
6. yes. sideboob.
7. yes. hoping to fulfill this by the end of this month.
8. yes, nothing extraordinary.
9.  not particularly.
10. samantha and madeleine.
11.  forever alone haha.
12.  smile, polite, family orientated, sense of style, sense of humor.
13. jerk, spitting in the street, says cunt in every sentence, self conceited and clingy/jealousy.
14. it would be a three way tie between fight club, sixteen candles and spirited away.
15. you are francisco lachowski.
16. everyone, it's ridiculous.
17. blacktown emergency.
18. i am generally indecisive and very sarcastic.
19. i can be a pushover sometimes. i also don't fancy my nose or legs.
20. freckles and friendliness.
21. happy. hopefully having conquered a corporate dynasty of some sort.
22. blood: non-existent bonds stronger than blood: very well. i miss them though.
23. like any normal child- parents'- bipolar. i love them immensely though.
24. cooking dinner together, having said dinner on a fairy- lit rooftop overlooking some beautiful city, dessert, wine and favourite movie, ending the night with cigarettes, ciders, photographs and dancing to mixed tapes.
25. movies without subtitles, slow walkers, people who back out/change plans last minute and compulsive liars.
26. european, tall, lean, fashion style's a mix between vintage and european fashion, killer looks, adorable laugh, kind and thoughtful (i actually just half described my uni crush and ideal future boyfriend).
27. horns, evil, resides in hell. aka lucifer.
28. to avoid hurting their feelings.
29. the lack of consistent connection.
30. very long but it was to mads.
31. hurtful words duh.
32. the Word.
33. to win the lotto.
34. see number 12.
35. ideally, while i'm single and young i'd like to live overseas (london or new york) but i would love to raise my family in australia.
36. my body.
37. teacher, professional singer and doctor.
38. ben and jerrys or baskin and robbins.
39. the female version of james franco.
40. on the greek islands.
41. pringles (fatty).
42. francisco lachowski.
43. there is something such as world nutella day (feb 5)

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