Sunday, March 6, 2011

thought #192- easy come, easy go

if one were to stop and think about it, it's truly amazing how many human connections we establish in a span of a day. from the moment you wake up and see your dad walking in with a hot cup of tea, to the instance you fleetingly meet the eyes of a man in his car to God knows where, to the lady at the clothing store asking how you are (but not really giving a fuck about your wellbeing), to the person you brush shoulders past in the street to the fit couple you witness walking their dog on your way home. be it minute, meaningless scintillas of communication, every person you indirectly and directly meet causes a connection, a wire,  a vein inside your existence to come alive. and you may not feel any different than before you set your eye on this individual, and you may forget them in the blink of an eye but your lives, existence become a temporary couple, married by the mutual moment you shared alive together. can you believe that every person you come in contact with is sharing a fragment of their time, space and world with you and vice versa. a moment that they can not regain or ever get back. it's as simple and yet so complex as that.

sometimes you are fortunate for a repeat. for another transient encounter. sometimes you never see that human being ever again. so next time you catch sight of a handsome stranger, walk away from the only one you'll ever love, to a friend you forgot to befriend, to someone you have not yet forgiven think as if its your last. it may not be. you may have another opportunity. but what if you don't? you don't want to live with the unknown forever whilst declaring "two years later you're still on my mind."

life is too ephemeral to not be awake.


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